"Looking for special offers? Save time checking in? Why not download the Holiday Inn Golden Mile iPhone application for instant access to hotel information and special offers making your stay with us even more comfortable."
Nestled in the very heart of Kowloons bustling city centre, the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong is renowned for its shopping arcades, boutiques, restaurants and vibrant nightlife. With fully equipped spacious guest rooms and suites, Executive Club floors, award winning restaurants, a rooftop swimming pool, health club, high speed Internet connections throughout the hotel, banqueting and meeting facilities a stay at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile will meet all your needs.
Key features:
- Hotel map, information and pictures
- Make reservations for rooms and restaurants from anywhere in the world
- Benefit from the timesaving express check-in service
- Take advantage of special discounts at restaurants with access to fabulous dining coupons
- Plan your event or banquet with a mere touch of a button
Why wait? Download the Holiday Inn Golden Mile app now!
想享用精彩折扣優惠? 想節省排隊check-in 的時間? 請即下載金域假日酒店iPhone 應用程式。
金域假日酒店座落於香港的中樞地帶 ― 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道,盡佔地利。酒店設計時尚雅緻,兼得時尚家居的舒適及先進科技的便捷。行政商務樓層、屢獲殊榮食府、露天泳池、設備齊全的健身室、高速寬頻上網服務、宴會及會議設施、便捷交通接駁等,一應俱全。酒店四周商店、餐廳及娛樂場所林立,為城中的購物、飲食及娛樂聚點,其中多個進駐了免稅商店及無數國際名牌的大型購物商場亦近在咫尺,是購物、商務及消閒的中心所在。
- 酒店簡介及相片
- 客房預訂服務
- 客房特快登記入住服務
- 餐廳及酒吧訂座服務
- 各項推廣及優惠
- 計劃您的商務會議、婚禮或宴會
請即下載香港金域假日酒店iPhone 應用程式,體驗更多精彩禮遇!